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Ralph Macchio
An excellent problem hidden in the woods a short 5 minute stroll from West Elden. Ralph Macchio is solitary problem on a small boulder, but it features rare sloping holds and great moves that culminate into a desperate top out.
Start with a rounded left hand crimp, and a smaller right hand crimp located just above on the sloping rail. Traverse the slopers left to the prow of the rock, then execute the crux, which includes topping out with bad feet and distant holds.
5 minute walk further south from Downtown. Follow the Oldham trail south until the cliff band ends and it is possible to hike up left(east) through trees at the first faint drainage that crosses the trail. Hike 100 yards uphill to the boulder hidden in the trees. It's a small boulder with a left angling sloper rail.
Pad and Turtle Wax