- Edit (TBD)
P1 - 5.11
Climb up the thin crystal line on a steep slab until you reach a good horizontal below a bulge. From there continue up over a small ramp and follow the crystal groove to a two bolt anchor. ~25m
-8 bolts and gear
P2 - 5.8+
From the anchor climb up into the featured groove with just enough gear to make you feel good. After passing the only bolt on this pitch, you continue up a series of featured dikes, groove, and more dikes until you get to the anchor at about a full rope length. The features and aesthetic of this second pitch make it worth doing. ~55m
-1 bolt and gear
-If you climb the second pitch with a single rope, you can rap down and right to the top anchor of Parabol/Parabola and then do two more raps to the ground.
-If P1 is too difficult or not your style, you can climb the first half of Parabol and then traverse left up the small ramp to join the last 1/3 of P1 at about 5.9.
This starts about 20 feet left of Parabol
Standard rack up to #3 with doubles in #.75 and #1 C4 for P2.
Routes in Big Green
- 23Schism5.11a/bTrad