HomeUSAWashingtonNorthwest RegionHwy 20 and North Cascades National ParkWalker Valley and Lake Cavanaugh Rd CragsUmbrella RockProbrecito5.12+Taintasoreass5.10aEdit modeDinosaur Balls5.8tradtrFA M. Beasley, D. KralovicCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionAround the right side of the upper boulder is this short but fun crack climb. Start in the wide crack and traverse right to the a ledge and then the short corner crack above utilizing face holds more so than the crack.Locationaround the right side of the upper boulder.ProtectionGear to 5" usually top ropedRoutes in Umbrella Rock1Drew's Route5.11cSport2Life on the Mississippi5.9Trad · Aid3Slip Of The Tip5.12aSport4Bumbershoot5.12aSport5Cigarette Induced Gravitation (CIG)5.12bSport6Channabis Induced Amnesia5.12bSport7Slice Of Life5.11cSport8Obstinator5.13Sport9Probrecito5.12+Sport10Dinosaur Balls5.8Trad · Tr 11Taintasoreass5.10aSport12Terra-Dactyl5.10cSport13Little Napoleon5.11bSport147 Fathom Arete5.11aSport15Open Wide5.10cSport16Oubliette5.10bSport17Lucky Monkey5.11bSport18Tree Hugger5.12bSport19Out Of The DankV1Bouldering20Out Of The Dank (sit start)V2+Bouldering