HomeUSAWashingtonSouthwest CascadesColumbia GorgeBeacon RockBeacon Rock BoulderingNorth Forest BouldersTriangle prow boulderPathetic Graffiti aka Sacred Geometry sds.V8Right AreteV1Edit modeSacred GeometryV4boulderingFA Chris TerryCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStand start on right hand sloper undercling and left hand pinch. Climb staright up the dihedral using tiny but very solid crimps/ Slopers. Rad movement! Refer to beta video in the comment section if you want to see which holds it starts on.LocationMiddle of the dihedralProtectionPadsRoutes in Triangle prow boulder1Pathetic Graffiti aka Sacred Geometry sds.V8Bouldering2Sacred GeometryV4Bouldering 3Right AreteV1Bouldering