HomeUSAMassachusettsNorth ShoreCape AnnCavalry Boulder Field aka Gymnasium aka Playground5. North SectorExtensions Area, TheExtensions 3Southeast AreteV1Making Dad ProudV3Edit modeThe InternV5-boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionSit start with a very thin left hand crimp and right hand down lower around the arête. Power up to a left hand slopey, and then go to a right hand slopey and a tricky topout.LocationThis is on the short wall about 30 feet uphill from the problem Six-Pack Solution. This wall faces the Southwest Arête.ProtectionA pad.Routes in Extensions 31Fault LineV4+Bouldering2Six-Pack SolutionV7-Bouldering3PaparazziV5Bouldering4Southeast AreteV1Bouldering5The InternV5-Bouldering 6Making Dad ProudV3Bouldering